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  • James Balderson BA (Hons)

    Digital Operator for Loveurope, London, UK

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    About Me

    I have always been interested in communicating complex ideas and information through the use of alternative methods to writing, as a result of the challenges of dyslexia. On my work experience at school as a car mechanic I learned people skills and confidence even when operating outside of my own area of expertise, which later stood me in good stead in my role at Crab Creative where communication with both a client and their customers was key to business. At school I thoroughly enjoyed working in the Art Faculty, and my interests were greatly stimulated by my year at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, which has broadened my horizons by the use of different media and software. This also greatly assisted me to improve my drawing skills. My creative abilities developed greatly during my degree studies at Thames Valley University (King’s Road Campus, Reading), which also enthused me about printmaking and typography. In my time at Crab Creative I have learned a great deal about web design and development and teamwork, playing a key part in a very small team working on significant contracts for some of the largest brand names in the world.

    James Balderson
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